Think Twice Before Turning Down Medical Care After An Accident
Posted on: 22 February 2021
When it comes to seeking money damages from a car accident, it's all about your injuries. If you are even a bit uncertain as to whether or not you should see a doctor, err on the side of caution and do so. To find out why medical care after an accident might be more important than you think, read on.
Medical Treatment Damages
At-fault drivers owe victims for medical expenses and so much more. All auto insurers will pay for you to have a doctor evaluate you after an accident. Unfortunately, some victims don't take advantage of that and end up paying the price in numerous ways.
Your Health Depends on Medical Treatment
Many accidents are minor but, unfortunately, the injuries may not be. Even fender-benders can result in serious neck, back, and brain injuries. Speaking of brain injuries, some accidents cause brain injuries that may be difficult to detect or that don't show up right away. If you hit your head in any way, be sure to have some tests run to determine the potential damages. If you wait, it might create problems with your accident claim.
How Medical Treatment Affects Your Compensation
Medical treatment costs can be very high but there is more to the issue to consider. The dollar amount of your medical treatment costs may be used as a factor when it comes to paying victims for pain and suffering. For example, if your medical expenses totaled $100,000 when the accident case is settled, that number could be multiplied by up to five times to determine your pain and suffering. You cannot be paid that money, however, if you don't seek medical care.
Injury Damage Mitigation
Medical treatment is not just about your pain and suffering payment, however. If you don't seek medical care as soon as possible after the accident and then later need medical care related to the accident, the other side could accuse you of failing to mitigate the damages. That means you are being told that you made your injuries worse by failing to seek medical care and that could mean you get no money at all for your medical expenses. Here is how to avoid that:
- Seek medical care right away after an accident. Get checked out and be on the record that you did so.
- Keep a journal of your medical condition and treatment.
- If you later develop new symptoms or issues, see a doctor as soon as possible.
- Follow all medical advice.
Speak to a personal injury lawyer about your case. You may not be paid what you are entitled to without legal representation so see a lawyer today.